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Nursery Pricing


The nursery operates a simple pricing structure with all care being priced at £7.00 an hour. This equates to £21.00 for a morning or afternoon session or £49.00 for a full day. A full day consists two x three hour sessions and a 1-hour lunch session.


Invoices covering any payable hours will be uploaded onto your Parentmail account every half-term and can be found in the payments section. We will set you up with Parentmail as soon as you join the nursery. You can download the app on any Android or Apple mobile device or access your account on any computer.  You can opt to pay invoices weekly, monthly or half-termly as long as you ensure that you are always paying in advance of the childcare given. You can pay by credit/debit card or Paypal on your Parentmail account.  We also accept childcare vouchers and tax free childcare, so check if you are eligible for these; it could save you money as you do not have to pay tax or national insurance on childcare vouchers/tax free childcare. Visit for more information.

How do I pay an invoice on Parentmail using tax free childcare/childcare vouchers?

Childcare Vouchers and Tax Free Childcare are paid directly into our back account after you have nominated us as your childcare provider. In order that we can easily allocate the incoming payments to the correct families, please email with:

  • your reference number
  • the date your payment was made
  • in cases where the payment covers multiple invoices or childcare elements, details on how the payment should be split over accounts.

The office will then reduce the invoices/increase the accounts by the appropriate account manually. The adjustment will then appear on your Parentmail account.


We accept 2 year-old Funded Early Learning (FEL), 3 year-old FEL and Extended 3 year old FEL (Extended Free Entitlement or EFE).

There are various types of government funding or support for childcare, including 15 free hours for some 2 year-olds and all 3-4 year-olds. For more information, please see the Childcare Choices website. Funding cannot be used to pay for before or after-school care. Please note that the government announced changes to the funding criteria that are due to come into effect in 2024. Please keep yourself informed of these changes before applying for a place.

Wraparound Childcare

We also run before-school and after-school childcare for both nursery and school children from the nursery buildings and Sunshine Room. Nursery staff must be able to confirm that any new nursery starters are able to access this provision confidently before they are able to attend.

Breakfast Club

The Breakfast Club is open from 7.30am - 8.30am and costs £7.00 per session. Children will be given breakfast and be able to play in a relaxed environment until it is time for them to be taken to their classrooms.

Treehouse After-School Club

The after-school club, Treehouse, is open from 3.30pm - 5.45pm. Children can either attend for the first sessions only (£7.00) or stay until the second sessions (additional £5.00). A light tea is provided in the second session.

Both Breakfast Club and Treehouse After School Club will be bookable through your Parentmail account and are payable at the time of booking.

Funding cannot be used to pay for before or after-school care but childcare vouchers and tax free childcare can cover nursery and the above clubs.