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Attendance and Punctuality

What do we hope to achieve with our attendance strategy?

At Malin Bridge we want to support parents, carers and pupils in attending school every day. It is essential pupils attend school regularly in order to maximise the opportunities available to them. We recognise early identification and intervention is key when supporting families with attendance and punctuality. 


Full details on our attendance strategy can found here.

Compulsory Start and Finish Times 

Foundation Stage: 8:35am - 3:05pm

Key Stage 1: 8:40am - 3:10pm

Lower Key Stage 2: 8:35am - 3:05pm

Upper Key Stage 2: 8:40am - 3:10pm

Details of the timings of the school day are given on the school day page.


Promoting school attendance is a key component of the government's strategy to raise standards in education and included in this is a drive for schools to reduce persistent absence. Students who are "persistently absent" are those who regularly have time off school and whose attendance falls below 90%.

Requests for term time leave

Moments Matter imageEvidence shows that every school day matters in a young person’s education. Students who have good attendance at school have better wellbeing and achieve better results than those who don't.

Requests for term time leave will only be considered in exceptional circumstances. Taking a young person out of school for a family holiday will be marked as unauthorised absence and headteachers are required to consider issuing a penalty notice (fine) to parents.

Headteachers are also required to consider issuing a penalty notice (fine) to parents where there have been 10 sessions (totalling 5 school days) over a 10 school week period. The absences may or may not be on consecutive days.

Information on the government's approach to term time absence can be found at

How much are the fines for unauthorised absence during term time?

From August 2024, as part of the government’s national framework for penalty notices, fines issued will be:

  • First instance of unauthorised absence:
    • £80 per parent, per child if paid within 21 days.
    • £160 per parent, per child if paid within 28 days.
  • Second instance of unauthorised absence (within a three-year period):
    • £160 per parent, per child if paid within 28 days.
  • Third and subsequent instances of unauthorised absence (within a three-year period):
    • Other action such as prosecution will be considered. In this circumstance, fines can be up to £2,500 per parent, per child.

Money raised by the local authority from fines is used by that local authority to cover their costs and to fund attendance support. Any remaining money is returned to the government.

Reporting an absence

We understand that children will need to be absent from school time to time because of illness or other special circumstances. In these cases, we request that parents/carers call the school office on 0114 234 1379 before 9am to inform us of the absence and the reason for it. Please note that in cases of illness, we ask for specific details; this helps us keep track of any outbreaks of illness in school.

Together with our Education Welfare Officer, we review pupil attendance every half-term. Children whose attendance drops below 90% for reasons that cause us concern will be flagged and a phone call home or home visit will be made in order for the Education Welfare Officer to offer their support.

  • 98% - 100% = Outstanding Attendance
  • 96% - 98% = Good Attendance
  • 94% - 96% = Average Attendance
  • 90% - 94% = Poor Attendance
  • Below 90% = Persistent Absence

Sickness and Diarrhoea - 48 hour rule.

DfE guidelines state that children can return to school 48 hours after the last incidence of sickness or diarrhoea. 


Malin Bridge Primary wants all children to get the best start to their education and developing great behaviours for later life.  Being punctual is one of those behaviours. Being punctual allows children to make a good and settled start to the day, so they can engage in and enjoy their learning.  If a child is brought late into school:

  • They miss the positive welcome of their teacher and friends.
  • They miss out on the teacher’s instructions at the beginning of the lesson.
  • They may feel panicked, awkward and embarrassed when everyone else is settled.
  • They may interrupt other children’s learning whilst the teacher takes time away from other pupils to explain what is going on in the lesson.

This late and unsettled start can impact on the whole of the rest of the day.

Every minute counts

We meet every half-term with the school’s Education Welfare Officer, to discuss pupils who are being brought to school late on a regular basis.  

We understand that it can be very stressful getting children to school in the morning, and we want to support those parent/carers who are finding it particularly difficult bringing their children to school on time.  Please do not hesitate to come and talk to us in school or contact Mr Edwardes, on 07885 972039 if you need any support or advice.

Sleep Needs

Every child is different, but studies show that children need a certain amount of sleep each night to ensure that they are healthy, happy and ready to learn the next day. Research carried out by The Sleep Charity found that a lack of sleep in pupils could lead to classroom napping, a decrease in the child's long-term performance and unruly and bad behaviour. Often, teachers could tell a well-rested child from one who was not getting enough sleep.


Children's average sleep needs