About Us
Welcome to Malin Bridge Nursery. Please have a look on the pages of this nursery area of the website to see some of the lovely things the children have been up to, what their learning focuses are and for access to useful documents such as our policies and forms. If you would like your child to come to Malin Bridge Nursery please contact the school office (office@malinbridge.chorustrust.org or 0114 234 1379) who can discuss admissions with you. Please note that attending our nursery does not guarantee a school place for your child at Malin Bridge Primary School as the admissions for school places are handled by the Local Authority.
Thank you and best wishes,
Chris Hague - Acting Headteacher
Malin Bridge Nursery
Malin Bridge Nursery is housed in two buildings, one for each stage of nursery:
- Stepping Stones: 2 - 3 1/2 year old children
- The Bridge: 3 1/2 year old children up to school age.
Each building has its own set of staff who work closely together to ensure a seamless transition from one building to the other. There is no need to apply for a place in The Bridge if your child is in Stepping Stones already, as they are automatically granted a space for their final pre-school year.