Malin Bridge communicates with parents in a variety of ways:
Each key stage has their own public Instagram account to share what the children have been up to on a daily basis. You can find Instagram log in details on your child's Year Group page.
The school has a main Instagram page which can be accessed by scanning the QR code below or searching Malin Bridge Primary School within Instagram.
(Iris) Parentmail
When a family joins Malin Bridge Primary School, the parents/carers receive an email and text invitation to join our online parent communication tool, Parentmail. Malin Bridge is a "paperless" school and so all written communications are sent electronically. The best way to experience Parentmail is through the free app that can be downloaded for Android and Apple phones or tablets. The app not only delivers emails and texts in one place but also allows parents to respond to consent requests, book parents' evenings and pay for school lunches and book and pay for Breakfast and After-School Club.
Where we need to contact parents/carers urgently (in an emergency, for example, or to collect poorly children) we will call the telephone numbers provided on the admissions forms. For this reason, it is vital to provide at least two contact names, each with a different number, so that we have a back up number just in case. It is also important to update the office as soon as anybody who you have nominated as an emergency contact changes their number. We also advise letting us have a work number, especially if access to a personal mobile is not permitted at work during the school day.
Postcards Home
We believe that children who have strong learning behaviours are equipped to be successful life-long learners, a key part of our school vision. For this reason, we like to celebrate any instances where we feel a pupil has demonstrated one of these key behaviours. There are twelve key behaviours that we have highlighted:
Focussed, Determined, Collaborative, Cooperative, Responsible, Courageous, Inquisitive, Honest, Aspiring, Creative, Resilient & Engaged
Each behaviour is represented by a different "Malin Bridgeling" character postcard and any staff member can arrange a postcard home if they spot examples of that behaviour. We hope that every child will be able to collect all twelve postcards over their time at Malin Bridge Primary School.