Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Our Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo) is Sarah Collingham who is also part of our Senior Leadership Team. Sarah is also supported by deputy SENDCos, Sarah Greenwood and Lauren May. You can contact them by phoning school on 0114 234 1379, or by emailing SEND@malinbridge.chorustrust.org.
To find the SEND Information Report, SEND Policy and Accessibility Plan please visit our policies page.
At different times, all children will have barriers to their learning and we, as a school community, actively seek to identify and overcome them so that children are able to reach their potential. The aims below are the key elements in making this possible:
- We will advocate for children and retain a clear focus on the importance of their learning, progress and achievement.
- We will work in partnership with parents and carers and recognise that it is the shared responsibility of all adults to support children in reaching their potential.
- We will actively engage with any and all agencies to secure support for children and families.
- We will always be aspirational and have high expectations of children, parents, carers, school staff, school governors and partners.
The barriers to learning that children face are wide-ranging and sometimes complex. The list below is not exhaustive, and we will always seek to retain a solution focussed and innovative approach to all situations. The following are potential barriers to learning: medical needs, additional learning needs (for example SEND), attendance and punctuality, and readiness for learning / vulnerability.
The progress of children who have a special educational need or disability will be monitored closely. SEND needs are wide-ranging and are, in the first instance, met in the classroom. When it is considered that a child’s needs are more significant and outside agencies and support is sought (special educational needs support), parents and carers will be invited to termly review meetings.
Admission Arrangements for SEND
Admission to Malin Bridge Primary School, including for chose children with SEND, is determined by the criteria set out by Sheffield City Council and which can be found at www.sheffield.gov.uk/schools-childcare/apply-school-place.
Further information on our approach to transition to Malin Bridge, for children with SEND, is available in the SEND Information Report on the policies page.
Access to Facilities
The key stage 1 building is a one-storey building which has wheelchair access and toilets. The buildings have shared playground facilities which are accessible for all to use, the playground space can be easily navigated in a wheelchair, except for the walled garden area.
The key stage 2 building is a two-storey building, with stone staircases to move between floors. There is no lift on the site. The key stage 2 building does not have wheelchair-friendly access at present.
The nursery buildings both have disabled access and facilities.
SEND Parent/Carer Forums
All parents in school, regardless of whether their child is on the SEND register, are invited to attend a half termly SEND forum. These forums take place during the school day and each one will have a different focus. Parents and carers have been asked for their input as to topics/areas on which they would like future forums to focus. Watch this space for further details.
If you have any questions, please email the SEND coordinators on: SEND@malinbridge.chorustrust.org.
Positive Parenting
Parents and carers can access a range of groups that offer practical advice and support with parenting. Sheffield City Council deliver programmes that are evidence-based, tried and tested. The content is written by professional psychologists who have conducted years of research into what works to manage behaviours and difficulties that we can all face as parents.
Everyone has busy lives and we are all different. There are different types of groups you can access depending on your needs and at times to suit you: www.sheffield.gov.uk/home/social-care/positive-parenting.
Useful Links
Please see below for further links which parents/carers may find useful.