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Year 2 (Y2)

Welcome to Year 2.

Our teachers are:

  • Mr Dawson (Y1/2BD) Split Class
  • Miss Marrison and Mrs Locking (M2ML)
  • Mrs Dodd (Y2KD)

What have we been learning?

We post regular updates on key stage 1 activity on our Instagram page.  You can see our latest posts below:

Key Stage 1 Instagram posts

You can follow Malin Bridge Primary School key stage 1 (MBPSKS1) on Instagram by visiting or scanning the QR code:

QR code for KS1 Instagram

Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and 2) Curriculum

KS1 curriculum cycle image


Summer 2 2023-2024



Previous Newsletters

Summer 1 2023-2024

Spring 2 2023-2024

Spring 1 2023-2024

Autumn 2 2023-24 

Autumn 1 2023-24

Newsletter-Autumn-1-2023-24-KS1-pg1 image
