Pupil Premium
The Government believes that pupil premium 'is the best way to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals (FSM) and their wealthier peers by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most'. It is also used to support children who have been adopted, who are 'looked-after' or who have a parent in the armed forces. At Malin Bridge Primary School we use this funding to support spending which benefits eligible children within their cohorts, rather than create individual budgets for each child. This spending, including the examples below, significantly enhances our capacity to support children with barriers to their learning.
To read more about Malin Bridge Primary School's strategy for pupil premium funding spending and what effect this spending had over the past year, please see our Pupil Premium Strategy Statement.
Pupil premium and means-tested free school meals
If your family is in receipt of certain benefits, your child may be eligible for means-test free school meals. Please see the Sheffield City Council website for details of eligibility: www.sheffield.gov.uk/schools-childcare/school-meals
Eligibility for means-tested free school meals means that your child's school will also be eligible for additional funding (called pupil premium) to support your child through their education. This includes discounts on residential costs and free school milk.
My child receives universal free school meals; can I apply?
All children in Foundation Stage to the end of Year 2 receive universal free school meals. This is automatic and there is no need to apply. Only children qualifying for the means-tested free school meals are eligible for pupil premium.
However, if you are eligible, it is still important to apply for means-tested free school meals, even if your child is currently receiving universal free school meals, as it allows school to receive the additional funding to provide your child with additional support.
How can I apply for free school meals?
Details of how you can apply for means-tested free school meals/pupil premium can be found on the council's website: www.sheffield.gov.uk/schools-childcare/school-meals
Children eligible for pupil premium plus
In addition to means-tested free school meals, children are also eligible for pupil premium plus if they:
- Have a parent in the armed forces.
- Are classed as having been "previously looked after".
Please let the school know if your child falls into these categories.
Please visit our PE & sport premium page for sport premium information.