Integrated Resource Unit - The Brook
The Brook is a specialist unit within Malin Bridge Primary School for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and who have an educational health care plan (EHCP). It is known as an integrated resource unit.
Our purpose-built facility provides extra support for 20 children with complex needs.
Facilities at The Brook
The Brook consists of two classrooms, a sensory room and an outside learning area. The separate, purpose-built facility is located within the grounds of Malin Bridge Primary School to enable each child easy access to the mainstream class in which they are also placed.
What we learn
Whilst in The Brook, children learn phonics, maths and English during the morning, then PE, preparation for adulthood and topic lessons during the afternoon. The children integrate into their mainstream class during both social and learning times based on individual needs.
Throughout the day, we provide specific support for pupils, dependent on their individual needs.
How are places allocated?
Places at The Brook are allocated by the local authority. The Brook is specifically for those children whose primary needs, as written into their EHCP, are communication and interaction - either diagnosed with autism or severe speech and language.
New pupil settling in arrangements
Once a placement is agreed, children are visited in their original setting and then invited to visit The Brook. Visits usually take place over a two-week period with time in The Brook increasing with each visit. The visits give children and staff time to get to know each other before they officially start.
You can read more about what we're up to in The Brook on our web page.
Further information
- Visits are welcome and can be arranged by phoning the school office on 0114 234 1379 or emailing
- Email for further information.
Virtual Tour